Sustainable change occurs most often when people living in the midst of the storm collectively find ways to make a change. Our role as a community is to extend resources across lines and help each other. |
Present Challenges
A Glimpse of the Southside of Winston-Salem The center's primary focus will point to the issues of the southeastern ward of Winston-Salem and continue to establish itself to have the capacity to assist other agencies throughout Winston Salem. Just within a five-mile radius of our center there are over 3,200 single-parent families with school-aged children, there are over 2,600 school-age children who are uninsured, eligible for Medicaid or reduced school lunch program. The Southeastern Ward of Winston-Salem has about nine impoverish communities in which there are over one thousand four hundred at-risk teens and young adults who hang out in the neighborhood and learn street habits that lead to substance abuse, teen pregnancy, gang involvement, STDs, incarceration, school expulsion, and dropout. Over 65% of them live in single-parent households, over 70% have behavior problems that affect their social interactions, 80% has disciplinary problems at school, over 22% of teenage girls have at least one child and there is over 40% who are old enough to work a part-time job who are not employed because they have no marketable skills. | Present Assets
The Assets of Southside of Winston-Salem
Winston-Salem’s Southside neighborhood is one of the City’s oldest and economically diverse areas. It is the location of one of the oldest African American churches in the City, the area is particularly important to the city’s African-American heritage, but is home to Caucasians, as well as an increasing number of Hispanic residents. Historically, these disparate resident groups had few connections within the neighborhood and little sense of shared community. This community center will break through the divide and create an input of positive energy that engages neighborhoods, young adults, family leaders and uses their skill sets to build a stronger Southside. |